In this 5-minute yin yoga pose, we will be exploring a wide-legged fold to stress the hip flexors and to open the hamstrings and glutes. Through this long-held posture, the connective tissue will begin to release. Find deep breaths within this pose and allow the body to relax.
Let’s begin – start by resting in a comfortable seated posture. Roll the shoulders up towards the ear and then down and back, moving slowly and methodically. Do this a couple of times and then reverse this movement. Come back to a neutral seated position. Begin to lengthen your spine sitting up straight and feel your sitzbones underneath you. Extend your legs out into a wide-legged V, adjusting as necessary and letting the legs be as wide as feels comfortable.
Take a moment to play around with sensation and move the legs further apart to see what that feels like and then perhaps closer in creating a narrow V. Find the sweet spot that works for you and then ground yourself into your seat once again, straightening up your spine.
Take a deep breath in and extend your arms up over your head and as you exhale begin to hinge forward from the hips, moving slowly and gradually, try to keep a flat back as you begin to fold instead of curving around rounding your back into a C shape, do this until you start to feel the tension and the tightness in your hips, when you feel you can’t go any further with a flat back with your arms extend out in front of you, release them to wherever they land, and start to soften into your toes, your feet, rest your back, and allow your chin to gently drift inwards, relaxing the back of the neck.
Begin to notice the sensations that arise from the moment you land. When we first find this intensity in the posture we may want to distract ourselves with thoughts or wonder how much time has passed by. Instead, follow the natural rhythm of your breath as it moves through your body. Where is your breath now? Can you find the inhale coming in through your nose, the swirling pause between the exhale, and notice what it feels like to take a complete breath out. Sigh it out as you need.
Continue to focus on the breath in stillness and silence.
When you meet your body with discomfort breathe into that space. Imagine the tension beginning to dissolve and dissipate. Your body can only ever be in the present moment, allow yourself to be here and be present to your experience.
Allow yourself to gently release from the posture when you are ready, slowly moving out just the way you came in, begin to bend your knees and bring your feet a bit more narrow so that you can place your palms behind you and with knees bent windshield wiper the legs, massaging the hips and glutes while you roll slowly from side to side.
Gently allow yourself to lay all the way down and hug your knees to your chest, finding a little squeeze and then allow your legs to be long. Soften or close your eyes and take a few deep steady breaths. Noticing what you feel in your body, and what sensations are present.