Welcome to 2024. Another year is here. When we think of a new year it often has a relationship with "new beginnings" and it does because in a way it is a new book of your life. Think of each month as a chapter. How do you plan to fill these next 12 chapters? How do you plan to fill each page as each new day arises? The start of a new year is fresh and open to possibilities, but so is every moment that we consciously tune in to. Instead of thinking "new year, new you" think of how you can become more aware of each moment as it arises. As an author of your own life, you have the power to choose how you see each circumstance, how you react, and how you let it affect the rest of your days.
The art of surrender is being able to let the pages that have been written be as they are. Instead of trying to edit what has been written, allow yourself to write and live each page as it happens. There is something magical about "flow" and truly letting go of the past. May this year be a new beginning for you, and each day as it unfolds.
When the clock strikes 12 you don’t automatically change into a different person like Cinderella at the ball so why do we put so much emphasis on change and new beginnings with the start of a fresh new year? Well, the truth is it is a new chapter in your life. Another year doesn’t mean you NEED a new you, but it does allow time for reflection. Through this intention-setting practice, we can see what is working that you want to continue, what healthy habits you want to build upon, and what really isn’t working. It is easy enough to say “Let go of what no longer serves you” but what does that even mean? Is it a habit you want to change? Is it an aspect of your personality you want to fine-tune? Is it a thought pattern you hold onto? These changes while they may be aspirational are often difficult to change by the flip of a switch.
While we may wait until the new year arrives to start setting our intentions – the reality is new beginnings happen in the now. So as your new chapter awaits you, know that you start each day with a blank page, every moment you tune in consciously to what is, to how you are present, you can start to find a new beginning waiting for you.
To set an intention first clear your mind. Find stillness and comfort within your own body. Gently close your eyes and begin to take in a deep breath in through your nose filling all the way up to the very top of your inhale, once you reach the top take another sip of air, filling your lungs completely. Begin to hold your breath for 3. 2. 1. Slowly begin to release your breath out of your nose slowly exhaling as softly as you can. Pause when you reach the bottom of your exhale and squeeze out the last bit of breath. Hold at the bottom for 3. 2. 1. And then find your natural breath. After taking several natural breaths observe how you are feeling in this moment. How does your body feel? What sensations are you experiencing? How is your mind? What does your internal landscape have going on at the moment? Any lingering thoughts? See if you can bring your awareness back to only your breath in THIS moment. Found it? Good.
Now start by asking yourself this question – what do I want?
Without answering the question at first, just allow the question to reside in your mind.
What do I want?
Again, try not to answer it, but if something natural arises and sparks within your mind then notice what that initial thought is.
We must first become present to the clean slate that resides within our mind. When we allow our thoughts to settle into the background, when we can begin to relax the body with intention, we can start to become clearer on what naturally arises within us. By first asking the question we trigger a desire within us to answer it. But without forcing the answer we can see what naturally arises.
If you know what you want then focus on the driving desire behind that intention.
How do you want to feel? If you were to accomplish your desire, what would be the outcome that creates a feeling? Is it comfort, happiness, contentment, joy, gratitude, relief?
Now ask yourself – what am I needing in my life right now?
What do I really need?
The more you ask the questions the easier the answers begin to arise. Try not to force the answer, let it come naturally.
Now take out a journal and record your responses.
Intentions are the principles and energy that help guide us for how we want to be, live, and show up in the world.
Intentions vs goals – the intention is what internally fuels our actions. Our goals are the external end results or destinations that intention carries us toward.
Ask yourself – how do I ultimately want to feel? If I achieve my desired outcome, what is the feeling I am looking to attain?
Become clear about what you want in your life.
1) Become present – successful intentions start with pure awareness. Take some deep breaths and tune into the present moment. It’s time to get clear about what you want out of life. Ask yourself what matters most to you and how you want to show up in your daily life.
2) Attune your energy – reflect on the energy you’re currently in. Now that you know what you want, ask yourself how you are currently matching that – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Choose thoughts, beliefs & attitudes that serve your intentions.
3) Create aligned action – once you’ve established your desires and the energy to match, begin to follow through with the actual steps needed to make your intentions a reality. Spend your energy on actions that bring you closer to your goals.