Have you ever tried almond butter fudge? The secret ingredients are of course almond butter and dates! This is a delicious and nutritious treat to get that caramel flavor without refined sugar. These are relatively easy to make and to make them even more delicious I have dipped them in a home made chocolate glaze. Try them for yourself! They can be quite addicting and the cacao boost gives you an instant mood lift!
Almond Butter Fudge
5 tablespoons of almond butter (I used homemade)
6 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons coconut oil
10 Medjool dates (pitted)
Pinch of sea salt
Chocolate Glaze:
1/3 cup of coconut oil
4 tbsps of cacao powder
2 tbsps of maple syrup
Pinch of sea salt
1) Place the almond butter, salt, maple syrup, and coconut oil in a small pot over low heat and heat until thick and smooth.
2) Pour the almond butter mixture into a food processor and add the soft Medjool dates (cut in half to remove the pit). Turn on food processor and blend until smooth.
3) Place the mixture in a tin lined with parchment paper and smooth out and put in fridge for 1-2 hours until cools.
4) Once the almond butter fudge is cold enough you can shape it into a ball or cut them into little squares.
5) Make the chocolate glaze by heating up all of the ingredients in a saucepan for a couple of minutes on medium to low heat. Make sure not to keep on high heat or the chocolate can burn. You want the consistency to be soft and velvety.
6) Immediately after the chocolate glaze has been made take your almond butter fudge balls or squares and dip them into the chocolate until coated. You can repeat this process if you like a thick chocolate coating.
7) Line a storage container with parchment paper and place your coated bon bons and place in the freezer to store. The parchment paper prevents the chocolate from sticking. The almond butter fudge will turn soft if you leave it at room temperature, so I keep them in the freezer until I am ready to eat or serve. The chocolate glaze will harden within a couple minutes of coating.