I often find myself getting really excited about a certain project or idea I have. It all starts off good as I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and the lists start flowing. But then, I start to get other ideas that gets me off topic from my original idea and on to something else. It would be wonderful to start all of these projects if I followed-through. The problem is by creating multiple projects at the same time I become distracted and don’t finish what I started. The key to accomplishing a task is to leave everything else at the door. As you approach your yoga mat in class, do the same thing when you approach a project. Leave everything else behind and just concentrate on the project at hand. If an idea comes up for something else you need to do, try to let that thought go and if you feel it is so important that it can’t wait, then jot it down on a piece of paper or on a notepad on your phone.
Assess the situation - what is the project at hand?
Create a timeline and a game plan - how long do I need to get X accomplished? How am I going to do X in this timeline?
Prioritize and organize - Is this project your top priority? If so, organize your time to be able to fit it in to your schedule. If it is going to take you 5 hours to complete the project and it’s Monday and you have until Friday, you can either set yourself a goal of 1 hour a day, or if you procrastinate see if you have time to spend 2.5 hours on Monday and 2.5 hours on Tuesday, giving you time left over to finish it before the deadline and in case anything comes up or your procrastination kicks in.
This method can be used in your personal life and your work life. If you have created a personal goal of writing 1 blog post per month or if you have to create a power point for work. Whatever it is, the important thing is to focus on one thing at a time and schedule time in your day to get it done. At the end reward yourself for following-through and this will help you get into the habit of accomplishing one thing at a time.
Following through helps reduce stress as the sense of accomplishing priorities leaves you feeling relaxed and ready to take on the next task at hand!